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Haverhill Rotary February 3

Weekly Raffle



February 16
Secrets to Keep Your Audience at the Edge of Their Seats
Contact Julian Rich if you have a suggestion for an interesting speaker.
508 361 4799

Attendance Policy

An attendance record of 50 percent is required to remain an active Rotarian. Any missed meeting must be made up within 14 days before or after the regular meeting. To accommodate busy schedules, there are various opportunities to make up missed meetings.

Make Up Opportunities

Monday 12:15 PM
Danversport Yacht Club
Monday 12:15 PM
Exeter Country Club
Tuesday 12:15 PM
Glenn's Galley
Tuesday 12:15 PM
Caffe Paradiso in Lowell
Wednesday 12:15 PM
Angelica's Restaurant in Middleton
Thursday 7:30 AM
Cochichewick Lodge in North Andover
Thursday 12:15 PM
Redhook Ale Brewery in Portsmouth
Friday 7:30 AM
Rockingham Park, Belmont Room in Salem NH
Friday 7:30 AM
Lanam Club in Andover
Friday 12:15 PM
Boxwood Grill in Methuen

Officers, Directors and Support

President: Ira Korinow
President Elect: Julian Rich
Vice President: Sheryl Meehan
Secretary: Bonnie Michaleas
Treasurer: Bill Klueber
Director: Frank Novak
Director: Steven Goddu
Director: Charles Marvin
Past President: John Cuneo
Assistant Treasurer: Charlene Laprel
Assistant Treasurer: Chuck Traver
Sergeant at Arms: Buddy Baker
Assistant Sergeant at Arms:
Charlie Boule
Song Leader: Fred Battistini
Assistant Song Leader: Megan Shea
Pianist: Chandler Noyes
Assistant Pianist: Jim Vanderpol
Greeter: Dick Emerson
Assistant Greeter: Greg DiBurro
Webmaster: Tim Coco
Nairator Newsletter: Steven Goddu
Photographer: Michel vanRavestyn
Assistant Photographer: Bernie Clohisy
Community Meals: Bernie Clohisy
Youth Exchange: Mary Gale

President's Message

Dear Rotarians,

Thank you to Karen Keefe for the terrific presentation she made on TTY (Telephone Typewriter) and TTD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf). It was apparent that this was new for most of us and in addition to appreciating the presentation, we were also made aware of another world of communications out there and the need to be sensitive to those who are hearing challenged.

Thank you also to Chuck Traver for the great job he is doing coordinating our club's response to the crisis in Haiti. After the first day that he handed out pledge cards, he has received more than our original goal of sending 5 Shelter Boxes. In fact, on Friday, a check for $6,000 was sent to Shelter Box USA for 6 boxes to be sent in our club's name. Please keep those checks and pledges coming in so we can achieve our new goal of 8-10 Shelter Boxes.

Why not do what Pentucket Bank is doing? They have boxes at each branch collecting contributions form both employees and customers. The boxes will remain in place through this Friday, February 5th. The bank will match whatever is put into the boxes and the total will go toward Shelter Box USA.

Here's an incentive to give generously and better sooner than later: On January 22nd the IRS enacted a provision to allow contributions made to Haiti between January 11, 2010 and March 1, 2010 to be tax deductible for the 2009 tax year. This is allowed for monetary contributions only (a contribution to Shelter Box USA qualifies) and so long as you itemize your deductions and file Schedule A with your tax return. You can deduct these contributions either for 2009 or 2010 but not both.

Dick Sundell, Darlene Beal and I volunteered to staff the Shelter Box display at the Mall at Rockingham Park on Sunday. It was heartwarming to see the number of people stopping to learn about Shelter Boxes. In all, there was raised $742. Since the volunteers came from both our club and the Lawrence club, half ($371) will be credited to our club and half will be credited to the Lawrence club.

During my two hour shift, Steve Daly also was there. Steve is the Shelter Box Chairman and Liaison for our district, District 7930, and a member of the North Andover Rotary Club. He was there in his capacity as District Chairman and not representing his club, hence the total collected is being split only between Haverhill and Lawrence.

The Shelter Box will be displayed each weekend on Saturdays and Sundays during the month of February. Steve is asking that nearby clubs volunteer to be responsible for staffing one of those days. I would like to recommend that we do so on Sunday, February 7th and/or Sunday, February 21st. There should be two Rotarians there for two to three hour shifts at a time. If we volunteer a Saturday, we will be responsible for setting up the display around 9:00 am (one hour before the mall opens) and staffing it until 9:00 pm when the mall closes. If we volunteer a Sunday, we are responsible for staffing the display beginning at 12:00 PM and taking down the display at 6:00 PM when the mall closes. If you would like to help out at the Rotary Shelter Box in the mall, please reply and let me know if you can do so on either February 7th or 21st or both and during which hours. You can also tell me if another date is better for you. All the information you need is at the display to enable you to speak in an educated way about the project. A DVD is played constantly at the display and there are materials to hand out to folks walking by. The display is centrally located in the middle of the mall on the first level in front of the Apple Store.

I can say personally that it was quite rewarding being there. Seeing the many people who would stop by and learn about Rotary's involvement in disaster relief with Shelter Boxes. Some even learned about Rotary for the first time! Those who stopped to listen and learn more often than not dropped a contribution into the large plastic container thanking us to help make this possible for them!

Also, remember that this Thursday is Birthday Thursday. February birthdays should sit at the designated Birthday Table. On Thursday, we will also return to our good-natured and well-intentioned fines. If you're not a birthday celebrant, you can sit at the "Fine Free" table. So come early and get a seat at the most coveted table at Rotary! Warning: if you have a February Birthday and sit at the "Fine Free" table, you will be fined. See you Thursday and keep the contributions to Haiti coming in!

Rotarily Yours,

Ira Korinow

Community Meals Next Monday

Monday February 8th Haverhill Rotary will be serving Community Meals at the Haverhill Citizens Center. The following people are asked to bring desserts between 4:00 - 4:30 PM:

  • Ronald Albert
  • Paul Bergman
  • Philip Brown
  • Joseph Cleary
  • Bernard Clohisy
  • John Cuneo
  • Jefferson David
  • King Davis
  • Alan DeNaro
  • John Hamel
  • John Jameson
  • William Klueber
  • Donald Laing
  • Jonathan Miller
  • Michael Reily
  • Julian Rich
  • Megan Shea
  • Ken Smith
  • Michel vanRavestyn
  • Mike Quinn

Calling Hours for Ruth Sundell

Ruth Sundell, mother of Rotarian Dick Sundell, passed away on Monday February 1st. Calling hours are today February 3rd at the Charles F. Dewhirst Funeral Home 80 Broadway in Methuen from 2-2 and 7-:9 PM: 978 687 1333.

Updating Records

Please take a moment to help us update our records. A copy of the MS Word document is available by clicking the following link: MEMBERSHIPDATA.doc. Bring the form to out club meeting or email it to Bonita Michaleas our club secretary.

December District News

Download a copy of our January District Newsletter and keep up with what's going on in District 7930.

Dave Rattigan opens for Juston McKinney Next Friday Night

Boston Comedian Dave Rattigan will open the show on Friday February 13th at 9:00 PM. His dry wit and quick delivery has made him a favorite in the Boston area. Dave is a writer and is on the adjunct faculty at two North of Boston community colleges teaching writing and public speaking. He also teaches stand up comedy.

A comedy night is being planned for Friday February 12th featuring Juston McKinney. Tickets are $25.00 per person and includes hors d'oeuvres. A limited menu from the Phoenician Restaurant will be also available for purchase. Doors open at 7:30 PM. Show starts at 9:00 PM. If you have any questions contact Steven Goddu.

Tell your friends to save the date. A flyer is available at Attach the flyer to an email or copy the link into your email for them to view. Also you can visit the web site for our featured comedian Juston McKinney


Last week Karen Keefe spoke to us about how MassRalay provides support services and equipment for the hearing and speech impaired. Check out their web site for more details:


Our son is a Certified Public Accountant and a Financial Planner. His office is in downtown Portsmouth, New Hampshire. One day he had something that he wanted to get in the morning mail in the box on the sidewalk outside of his office. To save time, instead of using the elevator, he went down by the stairs. On his way down he met a man coming up the stairs and he greeted him. After mailing his envelope he went back up one floor to the hallway outside of his office and there he saw the man that he had met on the stairs. This man was looking at the names on the offices on that floor and so our son asked if he could help him.

"Perhaps", the man said. "I am looking for William M. Mac Donald C.P.A.".
"That's me" said our son.
He invited the man into his offices. Our son was able to help him with his financial questions and when their meeting was over, Bill asked the man how he happened to have selected him. The man said: "I'm from Scotland and I looked in the phone book for a Certified Public Accountant with a Scottish name."

Clannish bunch aren't they those Scots?

Rotary Club of Haverhill Massachusetts
P.O. Box 808
Haverhill, MA 01831

Club #167, District 7930
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